Mariam Habibi received her PhD from the Institut de Sciences Politiques (Science-Po), Paris in 2000 with a dissertation on French Diplomacy in the Middle East with an emphasis on Iran. She also holds an MA in History from the University of London.
She is associate professor and thesis director at the American Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy and has taught a range of topics for many American programs in Paris. These have included French Politics and Society, France and Islam, France and the European Union and Protest Movements in France.
Her publications include: L'Interface France-Iran 1907-1938, L'Harmattan, (2004), History: A Course Companion, Oxford University Press (in co- authorship), Authoritarian States, Oxford University Press (in co-authorship) 2015.
Anne Catherine Abecassis has a PhD in Art History from the Sorbonne. She specializes in French painting of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, while remaining attached to Danish culture by her origins.
She collaborates with specialized magazines on Nordic art, and translates the writings of modern Danish artists, such as Per Kirkeby and Asger Jorn, most particularly for the publications of the Pompidou Centre and of the École Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris.
She has taught art history at the Sorbonne in Paris, at the University of Rouen and the University of Paris III-Censier. Since 2005 she has taught art history for a number of American university programs in Paris, notably for the University of Southern California(USC), Wells College and the Institut d’Études Européennes (IES).
Her latest publications includes translations from Danish: Dorthe Aagesen et Mikkel Boch, « Sonja Ferlov Mancoba : la figure, les voix et l’espace », catalogue d’exposition du centre Pompidou, juin 2019, Per Kirkeby, Bravura, Beaux-arts de Paris éd., coll. écrits d’artistes, Paris, 2017.
Chris Boïcos received his Mphil from the Courtauld Institute of Art at the University of London in 1982 and studied for two years in the doctoral program of the University of Paris I, Sorbonne.
He has taught art history for American university programs in Paris since 1989 notably for the USC, UC, the University of Delaware and the Center for University Programs Abroad (CUPA) a center for American students from Ivy League schools.
He is the principal lecturer for Paris Art Studies (founded 2007) which organizes museum visits and slide lectures for the English-speaking public in Paris.
Chris Boïcos has been involved in the contemporary art world, first as art critic in the 1980’s and then as curator of numerous gallery and institutional exhibitions in Paris and abroad, notably in Chicago IL.
He was founder and partner of Galerie Beckel Odille Boïcos (1999-2013) in Paris and founder and director since 2013 of Chris Boïcos Fine Arts an art gallery in Paris and in Paxos, Greece.
Sylvie Koneski received her PhD from the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles in 1994. Her dissertation on 20th Century French Literature, “Cannibalism as Otherness”, had an emphasis on cross-cultural studies and the links between Literature and Ethnology.
Sylvie is the current Resident Director of the University of Southern California (USC) Paris program.
She has taught a range of topics which have included the Paris Avant-Garde, 19th Century French Poetry, Traveling Writers, French Cinema from its Origins until Today, The Theater of the Absurd, and Travel, Exile and Migration.
Her publications include articles on Marcel Proust’s early novels. She contributes, as a critic, to the literary blog